You can also listen to three different background music samples while playing Bejeweled Twist.

Besides the regular four color wheel that is used in every level of Bejeweled Twist, the main menu has two pop-ups which will change the music when you change your board.
The first few levels are easy enough to beat so don't go too crazy trying to collect all the stars while there are still plenty of levels left. There are five directions to choose from, namely left, right, up, down and bottom. It is designed in such a way that when you are done rotating your gems, they will automatically face the direction you had previously pointed them to. The game is played on the 2D grid, which is located at the center of your screen. The game is very much similar to Tetris but this time, you have to stack up the board in order to make the right moves.

Bejeweled Twist is a game from Popcap Games that lets you tilt and flip your gems in order to gain points.